Cookie Policy

John Packer Ltd is committed to respecting your privacy, and protecting any information you provide. We strive to make our website easy to use, useful and reliable. To do so this sometimes involves using cookies. They cannot be used to identify your personally, however, do improve your personal experience on our website.

We only use information you provide to process orders placed on our website, let you know when changes are made to our service and tell you about relevant products or services we are offering. We will never pass your details to third parties for any reason.

There are two types of cookies you may encounter using our website.

First party cookies: these are our own cookies, controlled by us and used to provide information about usage of our site. Such as ‘Remember Me’ when logging in and Google Analytics, which helps us understand how visitors use our site.

Third party cookies: these are cookies found in other companies’ internet tools which we use to enhance our site; Add This, which tracks what products or stories are being shared; YouTube, Ebay, Facebook, Linked In and Google Maps.

How to control and delete cookies

If you want to restrict or block the cookies found in our website you can do this through your browser settings. You can also visit to learn more about cookies.

Please be aware that restricting cookies may make it impossible for you to use the full features of this website.